Lovers, Liars & Angels


Lovers, Liars & Angels

Your whole life — especially your love life — should be beautiful, even poetic.

Imagine instead you are Dean. You come home unexpectedly at midday and…

A gorgeous topless stranger sports a glass of wine, stands on your sectional. Kristin, your wife, stops sunbathing and pops in from the terrace…

What do you do? What do you become when your love life — your whole life — goes unexpectedly sideways.



A vividly rendered, edgy piece of writing. The unfiltered view into the lives of the hyper-sexual elite creates a palpable atmosphere that one struggles to look away from.”


Riding a fine line between American Psycho, Shame and a Gaspar Noé film, this drama pushes the boundaries…


“…builds characters of complexity, with rich backstories, and a boatload of issues.


“A compelling, intimate adventure that stands out positively for the characters’ diversity and explores multi-cultural, racially diverse sex and relationships in a new groundbreaking voice.”


“The script stayed with me for days after reading it.”



The way the relationships are written feels fascinatingly fresh. From the outset, the work coyly plays with our expectations on what is the limit… Surprising, maybe even upsetting, but draws out emotions.


a detailed study into the mess that is humanity.


“…a sexual operetta, an immersion into a unique world and story.”





"Racing on the edge of light and darkness..."

It starts… deep in the abyss of love. 

In a dream. Bright aqua sea dances. Slants of sunbeams. Pale in this magical liquid light, hangs a nude lean figure, DEAN LAUDEN (32), player shadow, small fist tattoo on neck, rich black hair streams upward, eyes alone state: sexy, smart, lucky. Now Dean’s eyes scream open panic. Arms flail, he kicks, grasps downward…

KRISTIN LAUDEN (32), clear hints of African origins, body as temple, spoons dreaming Dean. Pillows pitch and toss. She starts — kinky black hair sprays, haloes a tennis choker, fine nose ring, silvered lip gloss, blue eyes pop open wide in concern…

In a wild world of intellectual, unpredictable, thrilling women with ambition and agency and sometimes bad feminists. All share high EQs. Own substantial erotic capital. Wield innate soft power and sexual attraction. Plus intelligence as the best aphrodisiac. 

These lovers are delicious disruptors. 

Take everything, leave only heartbreak.

Relationships will unravel. 

Everything, everyone gets rearranged. 

There’s no happily ever after. Only ever altered.


[Mature subject matter, strong language, alcohol and drug use, sexual content]



Creators, media disruptors… 
let’s connect.

Reach out to review or discuss collaboration on the dramatic feature screenplay:

Lovers, Liars & Angels
By: Peter Sawczynec


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